Beyond Fundraising: Communication Techniques to Keep Supporters Engaged
Presented by: Wendy Levine, Marketing Director, Salsa Labs
Synopsis: It is more important than ever to maintain strong relationships with your supporters, whether they are able to give right now or not. Join us for a discussion of how to strengthen and build relationships across your supporter base. We will cover smart engagement tools and techniques to help you optimize your time and target the right messages to the right people. In addition, we will be sharing our favorite campaign ideas from our clients who have been succeeding in their outreach efforts.
Learning Goals:
- Communication techniques for keeping supporters engaged
- Templates for creating sound communication and content calendars
- Specific do’s and don’ts for virtual events
- Examples of successful events and campaigns to inspire you!

Workshop Details
When: Monday, October 19,
10:15 – 11:30 am
Track: Communications
Target Audience: Nonprofit Development & Marketing Professionals

Wendy Levine
Marketing Director, Salsa Labs
Wendy Levine is the Marketing Director at Salsa Labs, a leading provider of Smart Engagement Technology for nonprofit organizations. A long-time marketer and storyteller, Wendy loves nothing better than to find the perfect story and share it with the right audience. She is a writer and communications expert who spends many happy hours with analytics data and spreadsheets, and also serves on the board of a local nonprofit food pantry. Wendy received her MBA from Carnegie Mellon University.

Craig Grella
Content Marketer, Salsa Labs
Craig Grella is the content marketer for Salsa Labs, creating its marketing materials and helping Salsa clients use Smart Engagement and digital marketing to
accomplish their missions.
For two decades, Craig has been at the forefront of digital marketing for nonprofits and issue advocacy organizations.
Craig ran the digital operations for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, one of the nation’s largest Democratic Committees. There, he crafted the digital strategy and communications for the party and its statewide coordinated candidate campaigns including email, social
media, online ad buys, online volunteer coordination, and all digital fundraising.
Prior to his work at the Democratic Party, Craig was the digital operations manager for the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign, where he was the manager of the national
distributed organizing team. He helped to create many of the processes, documents,
and communications that would become the basis for the campaign’s groundbreaking digital organizing team in 2016 and 2020, and was featured in the book Rules for Revolutionaries written by the campaign’s senior advisors.
Craig has consulted on regional, statewide, and national distributed organizing projects
and has been an active consultant and volunteer with organizations like the ACLU, and Food and Water Watch, among others.
In 2011, Mr. Grella founded OrgSpring, a 501c3 created to help small nonprofits get up and running with simple digital technology. As a completely volunteer-based organization, OrgSpring has helped more than 400 small nonprofits create and manage their own websites and digital marketing campaigns.
Craig has a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Lehigh University, and lives in Mt. Lebanon with his wife and two daughters.
Check Out More Sessions.
Each day of the virtual conference will feature workshops in the following workshop tracks: Advocacy, Building the Plane While Flying It, Caring for Ourselves & Each Other, Fundraising & Communications, and Leading through Change.