Resilient Boards: How to Create & Sustain a Strong Board-Staff Partnership
Presented by: Pat Libby, Pat Libby Consulting
Synopsis: When nonprofit boards are at their best, they provide strategic and operational support that is invaluable to an organization’s success. When they aren’t well functioning, they can sap the energy of even the most committed staff and volunteers.
Learning Goals:
This interactive workshop will explain and guide participants through strategies for:
- Ensuring that Board members understand their legal responsibilities
- Creating an effective and high-impact Board governance structure
- Recruiting and fostering engaged board members
- Engaging staff as pro-active thought-partners to Board and committee chairs
You’ll leave the session feeling informed and energized about how to create and lead an effective nonprofit board.

Workshop Details
When: Wednesday, October 28,
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Track: People Power
Target Audience: Board Members, Senior Leadership

Pat Libby
Pat Libby Consulting
Pat Libby is a popular speaker, writer, and change management consultant working exclusively with nonprofits and philanthropies. Her firm transforms organizations by re-engineering governance and operating structures; transitioning and recruiting executives; and by facilitating data-driven strategic thinking and planning. Pat’s vision and work emanates from the kaleidoscope of her experiences as a long-time nonprofit CEO, academic, board member, and consultant to innumerable organizations.
Pat founded and led the University of San Diego’s Nonprofit Institute from 2001 until 2015. She is author of The Lobbying Strategy Handbook, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press 2020 and, with Laura Deitrick, Cases in Nonprofit Management, SAGE 2017. You can connect with Pat on Twitter @PJLibby, or read her blog at
Check Out More Sessions.
Each day of the virtual conference will feature workshops in the following workshop tracks: Advocacy, Building the Plane While Flying It, Caring for Ourselves & Each Other, Fundraising & Communications, and Leading through Change.